Page:The People of India — a series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan Vol 1.djvu/100

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( 24, 25 )

THE two individuals depicted in these Illustrations are of the Rajpoot tribe, of which a full account will be found under No. 119. The Rajah's connexion with the tribe is, however, believed to be due rather to a succession of marriages (as in the case of the Maharajah of Chota Xagpore, referred to in No. 22) than to direct descent.

The Rajpoot No. 25 is a Marwaree from Jodhpoor, on the western side of India. Marwarees are to be found in all parts of the country, and are remarkable for their mercantile ability, which in many cases renders them the possessors of great wealth.