Page:The People of India — a series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan Vol 1.djvu/185

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THE Cheboo-Lama, late the Dewan, or Prime Minister, of the Sikhim State, was originally a student of Mendooling, a famous college or school in Tibet, two journies east of Lhassa; here he studied two years, three being the usual period of study preparatory to the priesthood. (Other subjects, and indeed, all the ordinary trades, carpentry, masonry, painting, shoemaking, tailoring, are also taught at Mendooling.) The Lama's first introduction to Europeans seems to have been in 184J), when he was deputed by the Rajah of Sikhim to accompany Dr. Campbell, the British officer in charge of Darjeeling, on a tour in that country, which terminated in the imprisonment of the latter and his companion Dr. Hooker, at the instigation of the Dewan Namguay, and their release consequent on the measures of the then Governor- General, Lord Dalhousie.

On the invasion of Sikhim (in retaliation for repeated insults and aggressions) in 1861, Cheboo-Lama was employed by the British officer in charge of the expedition, in procuring and organising the means of transport for the force.

"His influence with his countrymen," writes the Special Commissioner, "is such, that if he were to leave us, the greater portion of the coolies would refuse to advance. His knowledge of the country is very valuable. All the scouts are under him."

The result of the expedition was the speedy submission of the Sikhim people, and the abdication of the old Rajah in favour of his son. The latter, immediately on the conclusion of peace, nominated the Cheboo-Lama his Minister, an appointment which the British Envoy considered "the best security we could possibly have for future good government and friendly disposition of the country. So long as he remains in that post, there is no fear of any policy being adopted hostile to British interests. He is the most enlightened and intelligent native I ever met." In this high estimate of the Cheboo-Lama, the Government of India testified their concurrence by presenting him with a gold watch and chain and a handsome cash gratuity, and landed estates in that portion of the hill tract which had been ceded by Sikhim to the British Government.