Page:The Perfumed Garden - Burton - 1886.djvu/22

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But there are sundry things which you will have to treat about yet." I asked him what these things were, and he answered, "I wish that you would add to the work a supplement, treating of the remedies of which you have said nothing, and adding all the facts appertaining thereto, omitting nothing. You will describe in the same the motives of the act of generation, as well as the matters that prevent it. You will mention the means for undoing spelle (aiguillette), and the way to increase the size of the verile member, when too small, and to make it resplendent. You will further cite those means which remove the unpleasant smells from the armpits and the natural parts of women, and those which will contract those parts. You will further speak of pregnancy, so as to make your book perfect and wanting in nothing. And, finally, you will have done your work, if your book satisfy all wishes."

I replied to the Vizir: "O, my master, all you have said is not difficult to do, if it is the pleasure of God on high."[1]

I forthwith went to work with the composition of this book, imploring the assistance of God (may He pour His blessing on His prophet, and may happiness and pity be with Him).

  1. The Arabs never say they will do a thing, without adding "If it please God." The prescriptions of the Koran (verse 23, chap, xviii) run: "Never say, I shall do so and so to-morrow," without "If it please God."

    The origin of this verse is ascribed to the momentary trouble in which Mohammed was, when answering questions put to him by Jews. He had promised to answer them the next day, forgetting to add, "If it please God." As punishment the revelations did not come till some days after. Their verse runs as follows:

    "Never say, 'I shall do a thing to-morrow,' without adding 'If it be the will of God.' Remember God, if you should forget this, and say: 'Perhaps God will help me to the true knowledge of things.' "