Page:The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909 (1910).djvu/496

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Section I.

The number of the National Representatives, and their division according to Provinces and Departments.

Art. 1. The number of the National Representatives for the National Consultative Assembly is fixed at one hundred and twenty.

Art. 2. The assignment of the National Representatives proportionally to the estimated population of the provinces and the importance of the locality is in accordance with the explanatory table appended to the Electoral Law.

Art. 3. Since, by reason of the absence of the necessary appliances, the places of election will be only in the large cities and smaller towns, no mention has been made in this Electoral Law of most of the districts and tribes whereof the centre of government lacks the qualities of a town. Yet notwithstanding this, the inhabitants of such districts and tribal areas in each department, subject to their possessing the specified qualifications, are entitled to proceed to one of the towns of that department and take part in the elections.

Section II.

Qualifications of Electors.

Art. 4. The electors shall be persons possessing the following qualifications:

  • (i) They must be Persian subjects.
  • (ii) They must be at least twenty years of age.
  • (iii) They must be locally known, and, if not natives of or settlers in the district, they must have been domiciled in the electoral centre or in its dependencies for at least six months before the election.
  • (iv) They must possess property to the extent of 250 túmáns (£50) at least, or must pay at least 10 túmáns (£2) in taxes, or must be in receipt of a yearly income or earnings amounting to at least 50 túmáns (£10).

Art. 5. The following are absolutely disqualified from electoral functions: