Page:The Pharaohs and their people; scenes of old Egyptian life and history (IA pharaohstheirpeo00berkiala).pdf/10

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'The subject well deserves, and is already beginning to command, more general interest than a few years ago it would have been possible to anticipate.'

The translations I have given are selected and freely rendered from those that have appeared in Records of the Past, after comparison with any others that were available. I am also much indebted throughout to Dr. Brugsch's valuable History of Egypt; and I wish especially to mention my obligation to Mr. Villiers Stuart's Nile Gleanings, with its many interesting illustrations and accompanying descriptions—more particularly those relating to the tombs of the third and fourth dynasties, to the curious episode of Khu-en-aten's reign, and to the stirring times of Rameses the Great.

My obligations to other authors are acknowledged in the respective places.

The hieroglyphs above the Table of Contents read, em rek suteniu tepau, i.e. 'in the