Page:The Pharaohs and their people; scenes of old Egyptian life and history (IA pharaohstheirpeo00berkiala).pdf/15

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Tai-ti, Queen of Amenhotep iii., Frontispiece

Winged Figure,—Isis or Nephthys, PAGE 2

Isis Suckling Horus, 4

The Sphinx, 18

The Pyramids, 23

Netting Birds, 31

Caressing a Gazelle, 63

Boatmen and Cattle-drivers, 68

Painting a Statue, 72

Carving a Statue, 73

Asiatic Immigrants, 76

Amenhotep presented to Amen-Ra by Horus, 118

Amenhotep ii. on the lap of a Goddess, 122

Amenhotep iii., 128

The Colossi at Thebes, 129

Rameses ii., 162

Hall in the Great Temple of Abu-simbel, 166

Discovery of Mummies at Deir el Bahari, 173

Temple and Garden, 177

The Sacred Ark, 181

Playing at Draughts, 184

The Weighing of Actions, 193

Mummy and Mummy-Case of the Priest Nebseni, 231

Mummy of a Gazelle, 235

The Worship of Apis, 244

Sphinx with Human Hands, 287