Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 02).djvu/175

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me, the said notary, to certify thereto, those present as witnesses being, father Fray Diego de Herrera, father Fray Pedro de Gamboa, the high constable Grabiel de Rribera and Francisco Scudero de la Portilla,[1] Pedro de Herrera, and many other soldiers. I, the said Fernando Rriquel, notary aforesaid, bear witness to the aforesaid, for it was done in my presence, and I was present at everything jointly with the said witnesses. In witness whereof I, Fernando Riquel, chief notary, affix here my signature and accustomed flourish, which in such documents is in token of truth. Collated with the original.[2]

Fernando Riquel, government notary.

  1. In Col. doc. inéd. Ultramar, this name is given as Francisco Escudero de la Portolla.
  2. In another document, dated February 20, 1565 (published in Col. doc. inéd. Ultramar, iii, pp. 81, 82), Legazpi personally verified the possession taken by Ybarra, Andrés de Urdaneta being witness thereto. On that day Legazpi took possession not only of Çibabao but of the adjacent islands.