Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 08).djvu/124

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[Vol. 8
Guás and Libon: Estevan Rodríguez—Captain Estevan Rodríguez has the encomienda of the villages of Guás and Libón, with one thousand one hundred and seventy-four whole tributes, or four thousand seven hundred and ninety-six souls. The settlements of these two capitals are near one another, except some located in the mountains six or seven leagues away, where there are many Christians. The said encomienda is instructed and visited with difficulty. Four religious of the order of St. Francis three priests and one lay brother—live there. They visit the following encomienda.
Polangui: Pedro de Salazar—Between Guás and Libón, Pedro de Salazar owns a village named Polangui, with six hundred and forty-one tributes, or two thousand five hundred and sixty-four souls. By means of the above-mentioned visitation, they are tolerably well instructed at present; but if more religious can be had, they might have two more, so that there might be two in Guás, two in Polangui, and two in Luyon, which would furnish sufficient instruction. Cáçeres rules it in affairs of justice.
Canamán: Gregorio Sánchez—Gregorio Sánchez has Canamán as an encomienda, with three hundred and six whole tributes, or one thousand two hundred and twenty-four persons, including adults and children. It receives instruction from two Franciscan friars—one a priest, and the other a lay-brother—so that it is well instructed.
Alimanán: Diego Díaz Marmolejo— Alimanán, the encomienda of Diego Díaz Marmolejo, lies on the way to Canamán. It has six hundred whole tributes, or about two thousand four hundred souls. There are two religious of the order of St. Francis in the said encomienda, who furnish sufficient instruction. Cáçeres administers justice therein.