Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 08).djvu/138

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[Vol. 8
Aranguen: Captain Sarmiento—Captain Pedro Sarmiento collects, along the river of Aranguen, three hundred tributes, which represent one thousand two hundred persons. It is pacified, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Panay: King—His Majesty has along the river of Panay and its branch, the Mayo, eight hundred and fifty tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred [sic] persons. They have instruction and justice.
Panay: Guarniço; Liévana—Captain Guarnizo and Ensign Pedro Guillén de Liévana collect, along the said river, two thousand three hundred tributes, which represent nine thousand two hundred persons. It has justice, and one ecclesiastic who furnishes instruction. It needs at least two more ministers.
Mambusao: Rivera; Morales—Francisco de Rivera and Gaspar Ruyz de Morales collect, along the branch river Manbusao, one thousand tributes, which represent four thousand persons. It is pacified, and has justice, but no instruction. It needs one minister.
Yguisan: Captain Sarmiento—Captain Sarmiento collects, along the river of Yguisan, ninety tributes, which represent three hundred and forty persons. It has justice.
Maharlu: Angulo—Álbaro de Angulo collects, in Maharlu, Damayan, the island of Tablas, and Cabuyan, six hundred tributes, which represent two thousand four hundred persons. It has justice, and is pacified. It has no instruction, and needs one minister.