Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 08).djvu/275

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for it has almost nothing, not even a prison; and that under an Audiencia, as your Majesty will see by that report. Neither are there any fortifications, so I have devoted myself to providing for what is most necessary, namely, safety. I began the walls at the point, where a fort was being built. I have made it with its curtains and traverses, placing the traverses symmetrically as regards one another. It is one and one-half estados from the ground, and the foundation is of the same depth. It is from sixteen to twelve and eight feet wide on top, according to the plan. The creek of the sea stretches up to the fort, in all about one thousand brazas in length; and while it would not do more, it will serve as a very good trench. On account of this fort and wall I have increased the import duty here on all articles from China, such as pepper and other things. Likewise, playing-cards were seized in your Majesty's name. With this the work was begun, but was about to stop for lack of funds; and, assuming that your Majesty does not possess them, and orders me also to fortify this city and be responsible for order in it, it seemed best to me to levy a tax for this purpose on the property of all those from different places who were settled here, and on the inhabitants in general. This I did, charging two per cent, in consideration of the many and great profits. Inasmuch as this affected the property of the president, the auditors, the bishop, the clergy, and those in benefices, they immediately held secret meetings and declared that I was incurring the censure of the bull of the Lord's Supper. As is a very common proceeding for the bishop and the Dominican friars, because I will not let them go to España to seek many things from your Majesty "very important to the