Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 08).djvu/305

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The King: To Gomez Perez Das Marinas, my governor and captain-general of the Philippinas Islands. I have received the letters that you wrote me by the last fleet from Nueba España. You have done well to advise me so minutely of the condition in which you found affairs in those islands, and how ill their government was being carried on. You shall continue on all occasions to do this, acting in the islands according to your obligation, and in conformity with the hope and satisfaction that I have had, and have, in you. You have done very well in having observed so punctually, as you say, what was ordered you in the instructions that I had given you. You shall do likewise with the other matters in your instructions.

I was very glad to hear how far advanced work was on the cathedral church of that city. I was pleased to see the care and promptness with which you have attended to what I ordered you in regard to this. I consider this as a service from you, and charge you that, if there be anything lacking to finish the work, you shall see that it is done as quickly as possible. Although you have been sent in duplicate the decrees that you carried, they are now being sent again, with-