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a substance that is capable of the highest complexity of activity, and that it underlies the brain, and produces thought and all mental action or power.

Having considered somewhat in detail what affection and thought are, the next conclusion can now be more satisfactorily drawn. Since affection and thought are factors in creation, they are in their beginnings and with all their potencies in the Creator, or First Cause; and as affection or love is a high, pure, underlying substance of manifold, vital potencies, the Creator is as surely a substance with equal potencies. In short, the Creator is a substance of which affection and thought are attributes in addition to these previously considered; or, in the terms of the proposition, affection and thought constitute human life, and are in the Creator. This conclusion also may be interposed here, that as thought is the form of affection's action, the substantial and underlying element of the Creator is affection or love.

The Creator Is Person, Human, And Man.

Before taking the next step, it is necessary to observe only in a most general way what constitutes person, the human, or man. Neither the material body, nor its shape, nor its organism makes the person. One whose affections and