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order reverse to that in which they enter. Speech, being in the circumference and the last, makes its address first, and to the eye or the ear. Thought within speech is then discerned by the understanding. Then thoughts yield their contained affections to the will of the reader or hearer. But should one reproduce them, the former order must recur.

The End Terminates In The Effect, And There
Resides In Fulness And In Power.

From what is supreme all things that are beneath proceed by discrete degrees in successive order; they terminate in the lowest, last or ultimate, and there reside in simultaneous order, by virtue of which firsts are in lasts, and supreme things are in their ultimates in fulness and in power. Love has no form or power until it continues to thought; and love and thought have no power until they continue to some act, or speech. But when love by thought proceeds to speech, it terminates in speech, the ultimate, and there resides. Recall the former illustration of one having affection for his country. He desires to render it a service, for which purpose he writes a book. The end is use to country. Affection for use proceeds to thoughts, and continues to speech; and there the end, use to country terminates in words, and abides in all