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called the spiritual world,—spiritus, the breath-world, whence comes the breath of life into the natural world.

The Spiritual World, Like The Natural World,
Is Composed Of An Ordinated Series
Of Discrete Degrees Of

In the spiritual world the forces in nature have their origin. It is the world of causes. Nature is the world of effects. Since the natural world of effects is a succession and ascending series of planes of matter, the spiritual world of causes must be a corresponding succession and ascending series of planes of spiritual substances. By spiritual substances are meant those superior to the natural world, or belonging to the supernatural world. We are to think of them as real entities, actual, created substances, just as real and tangible to substances on their respective planes as forms of matter are on theirs. The only uncreated substance is that of the Creator Himself; yet that is not called uncreated because it is unreal or a non-entity, but because it never was created, it being the Eternal, Primal Substance, the "I AM." Natural or material substance is the substance belonging to the natural universe, as rock, air, ether, aura. Spiritual substance is that