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ple and in the same general form. The earth ascends from the passive rock by air, ether, and aura to the sun, that it may come in contact with the sun by proximate substances so sensitive as to receive the sun's heat, light, and power, and bring them down to the earth. The human body ascends from the dead skin by bones, muscles, nerves, and nervous fluids to the mind's heat of affection and light of thought that the life and power of the soul may be brought down to the lowest things of the body, and vivify it in all its functions. The body and nature are therefore made of the same substances, and they are in the same general form.

Nature And The Body Receive Activity In
A Similar Manner.

Consider how nature receives her activities from the sun imparting its potencies to the atmospheres that lie next to it; how they become vitalized with sun-powers, and in turn pass them on and down through aura, ether, and air to act finally upon the more solid water and earth, and there will be had a complete illustration of how the body, in all its planes and functions, derives its potencies from the affections of the mind; for the affections act in a like manner upon the highest fluid of the body that lies next below