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Affection and thought form its contexture. They weave the woof and warp of the Limbus. Consequently the whole life is registered in the Limbus, as sound with its quality and variation is recorded in a phonograph. It is therefore the seat of the external memory, preserving with infinite perfection and fulness the entire life. Every thought, affection, and impulse, every impression that has been made upon the body, even such as the unconscious tremor of a gas-jet, if it has flickered upon the retina, is indelibly written there with faultless accuracy. The external life in flowing in and the internal life in flowing out are photographed there with the perfection of nature's highest law. In the Limbus is the book of each one's life that is opened in the final judgment, and compared to that "other book," the Word of God. Nothing can pass the door either way that does not become there a fixed part of the human organization. Its abiding form, on the one hand stamping our evils upon us in perverted forms that close the door against the Spirit of God, and on the other weaving forms receptive of the holiness and love of God, says to us auspiciously, "For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess." The uses of the Limbus show religion to be not