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sound, and the correspondingly affected inflowing life-force is the internal cause. The sensation of sound is in the ear of the spirit and according to the form in which the spiritual ear is disposed by the inflowing life-force in passing down to meet the form of activity in the material ear, which is determined by the nature of the aerial vibration, the ultimate.

Taste is from certain forms of matter touching organs in the mouth. The sense of smell is from floating particles touching the olfactory nerves. The effects of such contacts are perceived in like manner by the corresponding organs of the soul as the inflowing life-force is modified in the use of the external organs of touch and taste.

Sight is from ether acting upon the sensitive fluids of the retina, with which the nerves of the spiritual eye are, through the mind-organism, in Correspondence. The natural eye being affected, the inflowing life-force is correspondingly modified, which produces sight.

The Seat Of Sensation Is In The Soul.

All sensation is of the soul; the external means may originate in nature. In general, the things of the natural world dispose the organs of the material body into a certain form. The analogous