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the acquired force according to the receiving form.

Chemical Affinity.

Chemical affinity, the tendency which atoms have in particular instances to unite in one body, is not a new force, but is the effect of the natural working of the forces of attraction. The force of attraction varying in different substances, when different kinds of matter are brought together and under favorable circumstances, the constant pull of the varying attractions causes a tendency to equalization and a consequent commingling of atoms, resulting in a new compound. This tendency, which is but a form of attraction, is called chemical affinity. The heat given off accompanying the formation of a new compound is due to the increased activity of the component atoms produced by the action of the forces of the different substances, and the consequent increased influx of activity from the interior ether and aura into the new and more sensitive conditions. Where heat, electricity, or other agencies are necessary to produce the conditions for the operation of chemical affinity, it is due to the necessity of freeing the atoms from consolidated conditions that they may respond to the forces of attraction.