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turbance of course has its ratio to the force in steam or in coal.

The generation of force may thus be seen to be accompanied by the transference of force essential to produce certain conditions, and by the transformation of force or the inflow of activity from a superior substance. In the transformation of force, the inflowing activity passes in as endeavor, is appropriated by the receiving substance, and is manifested by it as from itself according to its form. Or, what is the same, there is no transformation or metamorphosis of force other than that of Correspondence, wherein force always descends, but can never ascend.

The Existence Of Force In Nature Is Momentarily
Dependent Upon Influx From The Spiritual
World, And Primarily From
The Creator.

We have shown that creation is adapted to receive influx from the Creator, who is life itself. Each created substance by constant influx receives, pursuant to the unvarying laws of its substance and form, the forces natural to it, commonly called inherent, which under favorable circumstances become manifest as activity.

The higher we ascend the scale of discrete