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The same law is true of the muscles. They do not act nor grow in proportion to the flow of blood to them, but by their use more of the cell structure is appropriated, and by the increase of the power that operates in the muscles more blood is drawn there to be consumed.

The Forces In The Body Are From The Forces
Of Affection And Thought.

The forces "liberated by chemical changes" do not pass up and become mental forces, or muscular forces. They are expended on their own plane in forming new compounds for growth or repairs. They are not in any way whatever convertible into vital or mental forces. The fact is this. Affection and thought are derived from the Creator through the activity of the atmospheres of the spiritual world, which coincide with the spiritual organism of the mind and produce therein affection and thought, as the sun in nature produces heat and light. The brain substances, which are the first material clothing of the mind, receive force and activity therefrom. This is the vital force in the body. The forces liberated by chemical changes go no further than to produce that condition in matter which prepares it to respond to the vital force. The flow of blood to the brain and the muscles is not to give them ac-