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sand pounds; for the human form is a structure reaching up by means of its internal organism to coincide with and to be in Correspondence with the spiritual atmospheres charged from the Creator with the activities of Divine Human Nature. The human form is so constructed that it can voluntarily open to receive those activities, yielded more abundantly from an increased inflow of vital force, and control them to use. The force of affection and thought by Correspondence becomes the vital force of the spiritual body, and by still further descent it becomes the vital forces of the nervous fluids, the brain, the muscles, and the whole material body.

The tons of muscular force exerted in a day by a laboring man, vastly too great to be derived from the matter introduced into the stomach, are the force of will or the endeavor of affection transformed by Correspondence. Will-force becomes nervous force, and nervous force becomes muscular force. By use the structure of the body wears away, simply to repair which is the highest office performed by matter or its forces. Muscular force can not be converted into nerve-force, for muscular force is nervous force communicated to the muscular system. Nervous forces are not convertible into the forces of the mind, for mental forces are spiritual forces operative in the organ-