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The Internal Force Develops The External
Body Into A Form In Correspondence
With Itself.

Every human being is the incarnation of some particular force, tendency, or character. It is that which makes him, shapes him, moves him, and animates him. Likewise every plant and animal is the embodiment of an individual, spiritual force that originally made them, that shapes them, that gives them quality, and that animates them. In the creation of first forms, the individual force impressed its own form upon spiritual substance, as it must have, and shaped it into a unit suitable to contain it. This spiritual form, becoming properly clothed with matter, constituted the seed that contained the potency and nature of the individual force. As a seed it was a form corresponding to the force within, of which it was the rudimentary outbirth. The continuance of the individual force unfolded the seed to a developed form in full Correspondence with its activity and nature.

All Things Were Created Through The Law
Of Correspondence, Whereby Each Is,
In a Degree, An Image Of The
Others And Of The Creator.

Let us observe in this connection more particularly what is to be understood by Correspond-