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cunning in the fox, selfishness in the hog, are dominant in the forces on the spiritual plane that produce their correspondential forms. So every detail in nature is as an expression upon the face that is in Correspondence with the feelings that form it, a faithful symbol of the power within. The assimilation in animals whereby they resemble their surroundings, as the white bear in the arctic region, is due to this law of Correspondence being carried to the outward color. The jaguar resembling the tree flecked with the shadow of leaves; the vertical stripes of the tiger, suggesting the stalks and shadows of plants; the assimilation in moths, and the like, are other examples explicable by the law of Correspondence. This law always works harmony of color, and prevents such a thing as the inharmonious ever occurring in uninterrupted nature.

Reproduction Is From The Constancy Of The
Creative Force.

Each living form is a recipient and containant of the force within in its individual completeness. The particular creative force completes its form and unfolds its nature in its recipient perpetually, as it is a constant and perpetually acting force. This process results in the production of similar rudimentary forms or seeds, whereby