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cident with the natural body. The limitations of fixed matter, or the material body, being laid off, a fresh and new influx of life is felt in a closer presence of God. A new world dawns upon the man as a spiritual being, and the spiritual potencies attained by a life in the world according to the laws of God, heretofore mere rudiments, spring forth afresh in wisdom and love Divine. Then is the Scripture fulfilled, "His going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth." Upon laying off the body in which are the corporeal senses that perceive nature, the sun, which is the glory of this world, is no more seen or needed; for efflux from the spiritual sun, the unchangeable Creator, is seen as light in which is the hallowed heat of love, and from which is all spiritual glory. Then it is realized by those who acknowledge the Divine Humanity of the Lord and from Him fulfil life's uses, that "The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory."

That man survives the death of the body for any time is sufficient evidence of his surviving it for all time.

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