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The crossing in plants can be carried much further than in animals because of their lower organization and simplicity of structure and function. The fact that both pistillate and staminate functions represent the male or father, and the earth represents the female or mother is also to be taken into consideration.

The Multiplication Of Animals By Offshoots.

Multiplication of certain animal forms by offshoots or budding is due to the nearness of their order to that of the plant, and is explicable by the same principle as the multiplication of plants by budding or slipping; which is, that the divisional part is initially a form similar to the whole; and because of the simplicity of form in the lower orders, it is capable of development.

The Cause Of Birthmarks.

Birthmarks and the transmission or reappearance of physical peculiarities are explicable according to the same principles. The spiritual organization, or the soul, wherein the corresponding causes are more or less fixed, forms the body. This is done by the mind operating in the soul, and forming the body in Correspondence with its own life. The mind, operating in the soul, and together with