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they are to show that He who did them is the Controller of creation's forces. The miracle that convinces one of God's presence and power because he does not understand, does the same, but better, for him who does understand.

That the Lord could not do miracles in violation of law is evident from the Word saying that "He could there do no mighty works," "because of their unbelief." The supreme worth of the miracles is that they are perfect and everlasting pictures of great spiritual laws and facts, because they were all done according to the law of Correspondence. The plagues of Egypt show how man is cursed spiritually for disobeying the Divine law of spiritual life. The water and bread given in the wilderness reveal how God sustains us with truth and love in spiritual desolation. The restoration of the withered hand shows how the Lord strengthens the withered will in doing good when in faith it is put forth. Healing diseases and raising the dead are dramatic presentations of how the Lord removes our evils and raises us from death in sin. When rightly understood all the miracles become as mirrors wherein are reflected spiritual laws in which are the infinite wisdom and love of God.

The chemist, trying to extract protoplasm, the basis of animal life, from the earth, little realizes