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the Father within. The Lord glorified also the very material body. He did it in a similar way. He put the body in perfect form by fulfilling the laws of God on the respective planes of life, and then He gradually displaced the material substance of the body with uncreate substance from within. He dispersed the created substances of both soul and body, but preserved, in the Divine Human put forth from His uncreate substance, the planes of life from the skin to the Inmost. He cast uncreate substance in the mould of the create body, and thereby provided Himself with a Divine Body coinciding with creation. So it was that He made the human assumed "to have life in Himself even as the Father hath life in Himself." This was the grandest act in all time. Creation was more than reënacted in that event.

God the Creator, invisible before the incarnation, may now be approached and seen in the glorified Human of Jesus Christ. This the Lord taught in saying, "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father. He hath declared Him," "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father," "The Father and I are one." God Himself is now seen in His glorified Humanity as He appeared to Peter, James, and John upon the Mount. Before the