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but when the letter is rejected as not containing the Divine, the Word has no power with man, it becoming simply history or classics. In the regenerating, influx from the Lord passes first into the perception, which is of the understanding; thence, to the will; and lastly, into the act or use, where it ceases: then there is reception, which is the reciprocal of influx, and man appropriates goodness and truth from the Lord, and is blessed. "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."

The law of the Divine operation may be expressed also in this form. Since the Lord is in the letter of the Word with all fulness and power as His ultimate, and since man is likewise in his acts as his ultimate, the Lord is present in man with His life, and regenerates him as he obeys the laws expressed in the letter of the Word. "If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."

The Sole Object Of Life In The World Is To
Accomplish Regeneration For The
Perfection Of The Love Of Use
And Its Blessings.

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