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The Cause Of The Resemblance Between
The Higher Animals And Man Is Due To The
Law Of Correspondence.

It is natural and inevitable that the ascending scale of animal forms should be crowned by those in many respects resembling that of man. The lower nature of man is animal, hence necessarily his outward form must resemble that of the higher animals. Further, there is a certain form that corresponds to or is the natural outbirth of the creative forces received by the higher degrees in the spiritual world. So, the nearer objects come to the reception of the forces of the higher degrees, the more will they approach that form and resemble each other. Since the human form is that which is in correspondence with the highest creative forces in the higher degrees, the highest or later animal forms must approach and resemble it. Yet as there is no animal that receives life in the human degree, there is none exactly of the human form in any part. It is a well-known fact that there is no single bone of any animal that can not be distinguished from the analogous bone in the human structure.

The True Theory Of Creation Must Be
Consistent With Itself.

Since animals are purely and only animal, they may, for certain purposes, be classified according