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obtained, and man is enabled to live in a higher and more perfect state.

It is proposed to show that man is a form composed of a succession of planes reaching upward coincident with creation, and so organized that he may ascend upon the successive planes of his own constitution, and from each plane investigate the corresponding plane in creation, and at last obtain definite and positive knowledge of the great First Cause. This can not be done by science alone. Yet by philosophy, of which science is a servant and tool, such knowledge, when once revealed, may be confirmed; and it may be seen to be of a no less certain character than science itself.

Science Will Be Transferred From The
Materialists To Those Who Believe
In God.

The assiduous labors of Materialists in the field of science, have contributed many valuable facts for the use of philosophy. But in their philosophy they have made such use of the facts that they have travelled the circumference of a circle to the place of beginning, a state of agnosticism. Yet the last state is worse than the first, for they have returned with their minds swept of all genuine truth, and with the hopeless