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Revelation Is Necessary Because Spiritual
Things, Wherein Are Causes, Are
Above The Plane Of Science
And Of The Senses.

The physical senses are not capable of perceiving spiritual things, or what is superior to nature. They can comprehend only what addresses them on the plane of their own organization. The investigation of spiritual things by science destroys the mind's vision, for in so doing the sensual is made the principal, when in reality it is only instrumental. Spiritual truths must be received by revelation. It is the office of science and reason to confirm revelation.

The causes of things in nature, the soul, the spiritual world, and God are impalpable and non-revealable to the senses. None of these, therefore, can be found out by merely human searching. Nor can human reason aided only by science and sensual knowledge ascend to them, for reason, without a guide superior to itself, would follow