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thing "yielding seed after its kind"; nor would the human family have differentiated itself from the apes, if it were not revealed by the Word that "God created man in His own image"; nor would it come to mind that man is a soul and has a body, if it were not taught in the letter of the Word that God created man a "living soul"; nor would it be thought other than that death ends life, if the Word did not teach that "all live unto Him"; nor would the existence of a spiritual world be thought of, if the Word did not declare the "Father's house" of "many mansions"; nor would man ever surmise the purpose of his creation, did the Word not reveal that he is created to receive love and wisdom from God, and the life everlasting; "I have created him for My glory."

However startling the assertion may seem, it is nevertheless true that the theory of Evolution could never have been developed or conceived were the fundamentals of science not revealed in the Word, for Evolution has its origin in the natural man hearing genuine truths from the Word, and then inverting them. Materialistic philosophy is derived by ingeniously inverting truths from the Word, and there is not one principle in the entire system, ranging from the alpha of chemistry to the omega of ethics, the reverse of which can not be found in the Word. For in