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of modern civilization. The Word thus becomes the source from which proceeds the spirit of all progress both scientific and religious. This may seem to be a too comprehensive declaration, yet it is substantiated by the fact that where the Christian revelation is permitted there is progress; but where it is not there is barbarism, stagnation, or retrogression. Inventions excel with those nations that have religious liberty and the freest access to the Word, because the faculty of invention draws its light from the general sphere of light emanating from the Word by means of those who have faith in it.

The Mohammedan civilization, vastly superior to the idolatrous conditions preceding, likewise originated in a revelation, what is good in it being taken by Mohammed from the Word and adapted to the states of a people and to the accomplishment of its purpose.

The Jewish civilization surpassed in the character of its worship the surrounding nations. Though its worship was similar in many respects to theirs, yet in others it was so distinct as to render it impossible for it to have been developed from any prior religion. When the Jewish doctrines, worship, and state are compared to those of other peoples, the teaching of the Word, that they grew out of revelation through prophet and seer, is the