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a perfect means of perpetual revelation, which the Word is. It is formed as the temple of His indwelling. It is a body of which God is the soul, flashing, through word and sentence as from Urim and Thummim, light and life in the degree that man can receive it. The Word is such a formation that any one who will truly believe in Jesus Christ and read the Word, will receive all the truth that he is able to live up to, and all the life that he will keep pure. It is the tabernacle of God with men, out of which the Heavenly Father speaks to His child. It is a perfect instrument of the Father's will, and so composed that through it He can accomplish His purpose by revealing the truth to those who desire it for the purpose of shunning their evils, and by withholding it from those who want it only for selfish purposes, and would therefore profane it. In the Word dwells the creating truth, and by it God is regenerating the world, and creating a new race that shall commune with Him through the Word. It is in this sense that In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

We obtain out of nature knowledge of natural laws by natural perception and the natural tests of reason and experiment. In an identical way spiritual laws, or spiritual truths, are obtained