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such may be justly done to confirm the acknowledgment of Him through revelation. This brings us to the consideration of other means that are used to enable us to pursue this investigation to the desired end.

As we can not discover spiritual things, wherein are first causes, by science, we are obliged to start from the revealed, and test it both by science and philosophy. Philosophy is a connecting link between science and spiritual truth. If what is reputed to be revealed is not in harmony with what is known to be true, we may know that the claims of revelation are spurious. But if the revealed is found to be true, and at the same time of such a character that it could not have been known except by revelation, then we may know not only that the revelation is true, but also that it is truly a revelation. To such tests should revelation be put, else we will be found believing blindly what we have no reason to accept.

In arriving at first causes, we have taken advantage of many things in the Writings of Swedenborg that could not have been known except by revelation. If they are true, they will stand the severest tests of science and of philosophy. Yet we must be assured that the science and the philosophy used as tests are themselves true. If the reader is willing to proceed upon this basis,