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The Phoenix

Rev. John Talbot Smith, a well known Catholic priest, favors woman suffrage because, in his view, it would surely put an end to the liquor traffic. And yet the Catholic Church has not slated St. Paul as a "back number."

Hurrah for American liberty! And three times three for the new doctrine that the judgment of newspaper and magazine advertisers should override the United States Supreme Court!!

Out in Tyro, Kansas, the men voted solidly against a complete set of women candidates, defeating them all. Logical result of equal suffrage for man and woman.

Let us not hate life because we have to relinquish it, but let us fold our tent with serenity and pass out with a Hail! to the advancing generations.

I have known many men, and many more have heard my name, but the friends of my heart—ah, how easy it is to number them!

Hell continues to be the most logical part of the religious programme. Also the most profitable, as the Rev. Billy Sunday could tell you.

The gift of Life as well as the more precious boon of Death is thrust upon us when we are unconscious.

Most of us are in fear of the Judgment, and yet we spend a great part of life judging ourselves.

The impulse to forgive is the one sure mark of the Divinity within us.

It is sad to have come to fifty year, and about the only consolation is that one can no longer be so many kinds of a damphool.