Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk3.djvu/110

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318. Having made profession of the glorious gospel of Christ a long time, and preached the same about five years, I was apprehended-at a meeting of good people in the country, among whom, had they let me alone, I should have preached that day. But they took me away from amongst them, and had me before a justice, who, after I had offered security for my appearing the next sessions, yet committed me, because my sureties would not consent to be bound that I should preach no more to the people.

319. At the sessions, after I was indicted for an upholder and maintainer of unlawful assemblies and conventicles, and for not conforming to the national worship of the Church of England, and after some conference there with the justices, they, taking my plain dealing with them for a confession, as a they termed it, of the indictment, did sentence me to a perpetual banishment because I refused to conform. So being again delivered upto the gaoler's hands, I was had home to see and there have lain now complete twelve years, waiting to see what God would suffer those men to do with me.

320. In which condition I have continued with much content through grace, but have met with many turnings and goings upon my heart, both from the Lord, Satan, and my