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leaves, a tablespoon each of powdered mace, white pepper, cloves, sugar, salt and ½ tablespoon celery seed tied in a small cheesecloth bag. Boil for nearly 6 hours and stir frequently. Remove the bag of celery seed and pour in a pint of vinegar. Bring again to a boil and remove from fire; when cold, bottle and seal.—Mrs. Albrecht.

My Own Tomato Catsup.

One peck of good ripe tomatoes cut or mash, ½ pound mixed spices, tied in a thin cloth, boil about 1 hour, then strain and boil 2 hours with same spices. Add 1 tablespoon salt, 4 tablespoons ground mustard, ¼ teaspoon red pepper, 1 teaspoon paprika, ½ teaspoon ground cloves, 1½ cups sugar, 2 cups of vinegar. Keep on stove until the last bottle is filled, be sure and have bottle air tight.—Mrs. J. Semmlow.

Chili Sauce.

Six onions, 24 ripe tomatoes, 4 green peppers, 3 small tablespoons salt, 9 small tablespoons sugar. Boil gently 3 hours.—Mrs. R. J. Frank.

Chili Sauce.

One peck or ½ box tomatoes (red ripe), 2 cups onions, 4 green peppers and 1 small red pepper (seeds removed). Grind the above in coarse food chopper. One quart vinegar, ½ cup salt, 4 cups granulated sugar, ½ scant teaspoon red pepper (ground); put in the above. Put the following spices in a bag: Three teaspoons ground cloves, 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon, 1 small ground nutmeg, ½ teaspoon ground allspice, 3 teaspoons celery seed. Boil 3 hours. Put in glasses or bottles and seal at once.—Mrs. H. G. Thoms.

Chili Sauce with Celery.

Put through food chopper, 15 large ripe tomatoes, 4 large stalks celery, 5 large onions, 1 red pepper, add 8 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 tablespoons salt, 3 cups vinegar. Boil about 2 hours.—Mrs. F. Nyendorf.