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hard; pour in buttered dish and before it cools mark off in square blocks.

Maple Caramels.

One pound of maple sugar melted in a cup of sweet milk,add 1 tablespoon butter; boil until when a little is dropped in cold water it will be almost brittle. Turn out on butteredplates, and when cool enough mark in squares.—Hannah Albrecht.

Cream Candy.

Two cups white sugar, 1 cup light brown sugar, ½ cupvinegar, ½ cup water; boil as you would molasses candy. Afew minutes before taking it off the stove add 1 tablespoonbaking powder. Flavor with vanilla. Cool and pull.—Hannah Albrecht.

French Cream Candy.

Take 2 pounds of confectioners' sugar, whites of 3 eggswell beaten, 2 tablespoons milk. Mix all together with hands.Make small balls; roll with hands. When still soft add a pecan, or walnut, candied cherry, stuff dates with same, roll an almond in same, let the rest lay an hour or more on paraffin paper, then dip in melted bitter chocolate.—Mrs. Louise M. Lafrentz.

Dream Candy.

Two cups granulated sugar, ½ cup Karo syrup, ½ cup boilingwater, 1 cup English walnuts, whites of 2 eggs, beaten stiff,vanilla. Boil sugar, syrup and water until a little hardens incold water. Add this slowly to the beaten whites, then addvanilla and nut meats and pour on a buttered dish. Cut insquares.—Johanna Kretchmer.

Fig Candy.

Boil until it colors ⅓ cup water, 1 cup sugar. Do not stirwhile boiling but just before taking from the stove stir in¼ teaspoon cream of tartar. Dip the figs in this syrup and layon buttered plates to dry.—Hannah Albrecht.