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support or stand by the Government, when the Government has paid no heed to what even they have urged upon Lord Reading and his Government for the last nine months?”


A message from Pandit Jawaharlal given on behalf of Pandit Motilal and others now in Lucknow District Jail to the men and women of the United Provinces.

“We are in jail but we are most happy for we know you are carrying on the great fight. We know you have responded to the great call. Great cities like Lucknow, Allahabad and Benares have demonstrated your determination. You are to-day making a history which your children and your children’s children, freed for ever from a foreign yoke, will glory in and unborn generations will bless your name. We pray for you. May the Lord bless you and give you strength to fight on till victory crowns your sacrifices! To our own city of Allahabad, what shall we say? How shall we, who are of it, congratulate it