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And at once all the crew, carried off their feet with enthusiasm, shouted their own domestic National Anthem, led by the energetic Mr. Bobstay:

He is an Englishman!
For he himself hath said it,
And it's greatly to his credit
That he is an Englishman!
For he might have been a Rooshian
A French, or Turk, or Prooshian,

<< \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = ##f \new Staff { \time 4/4 \key d \major \clef bass \partial 4 \autoBeamOff d4 | d'4. gis8 gis4 gis | a2\fermata a4.( g!8) | \tempo "Moderato" fis4 d e g | fis8[( e]) a4 r a8. g16 | fis4 d e g | fis8([ g)] a4 r a8 a | b4 d' cis' b | a2 }
\addlyrics { He is an Eng -- lish -- man, For __ he him -- self has said it, And it's great -- ly to his cred -- it, That he is an Eng -- lish -- man! }
\new GrandStaff << \new Staff { \override GrandStaff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar = ##f \key d \major \relative g' { r4 | <gis e d>1\fz | <a e cis>2\fermata r | <fis d a>4\p^\markup { \italic "Moderato." } <d a>_\markup { \smaller { \italic stacc. } } <e d> <g cis, a> | << { fis8( g) a4 r a8. g16 } \\ { <d a>4 <cis a> <d a> <e a,> } >>
 <fis d a> <d a> <e d> <g cis, a> | << { fis8( g) a4 r } \\ { <d, a>4 <cis a> <d a> } >> <a' fis d>
 <b g d> <d b d,> <cis a d,> <b g d> | <a fis d>2 } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key d \major r4 | <b, b,,>1 | <a, a,,>2_\fermata r | <d d,>4 <fis fis,> <a a,> <a, a,,> | \ottava #-1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"con 8va" d, e, fis, cis, | d, fis, a, a,, | d, e, fis, d, | g, g,, g,, b,, | \ottava #0 <d d,>2 } >>
By special permission of the publishers, Metzler & Co., Ltd.