Page:The Playboy of the Western World.djvu/34

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The Playboy of the

the edge of it on the ridge of his skull, and he went down at my feet like an empty sack, and never let a grunt or groan from him at all.

MICHAEL, making a sign to Pegeen to fill Christy's glass.

And what way weren't you hanged, mister? Did you bury him then?

CHRISTY, considering.

Aye. I buried him then. Wasn't I digging spuds in the field?


And the peelers never followed after you the eleven days that you're out?

CHRISTY, shaking his head.

Never a one of them, and I walking forward facing hog, dog, or divil on the highway of the road.

PHILLY, nodding wisely.

It's only with a common week-day kind of a murderer them lads would be trusting their carcase, and that man should be a great terror when his temper's roused.