Page:The Plays of Euripides Vol. 1- Edward P. Coleridge (1910).djvu/175

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Her. I praise thee for thy loyalty to thy wife.

Adm. Come death! if ever I betray her, dead though she be.

Her. Well, take this maiden to the shelter of thy noble house.

Adm. Spare me, I entreat thee by Zeus, thy sire.

Her. Be sure, if thou refuse, 'twill be a sad mistake.

Adm. If I comply, remorse will gnaw my heart.

Her. Yield; for in god's good time maybe thou wilt give me thanks.

Adm. Ah! would thou hadst never won her in the games!

Her. Yet thou too sharest in my victory.

Adm. True; still let this maiden go away.

Her. Go she shall, if go she must; but first see if this is needful.

Adm. I needs must, else wilt thou be wroth with me.

Her. I have a reason good to press the matter thus.

Adm. Have thy way then. Yet know well thy deed I disapprove.

Her. A day will come that thou wilt praise me; only yield.

Adm. (to his servants). Take her in, if I needs must give her welcome in my house.

Her. To thy servants will I not hand her over.

Adm. Conduct her then thyself within, if so thou thinkest good.

Her. Nay, but into thy hands shall mine consign her.

Adm. I will not touch her, though she is free to go within my halls.

Her. To thy hand, and thine alone I her entrust.

Adm. Prince, against my will thou dost constrain me to this deed.

Her. Boldly stretch out thy hand and touch the stranger maid.