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[L. 31–98

assigned to Theseus' sons, the Athenian chiefs. And such of the Trojan dames as are not portioned out, are in these tents, set apart for the leaders of the host; and with them Spartan Helen, daughter of Tyndarus, justly counted among the captives. And wouldst thou see that queen of misery, Hecuba, thou canst; for there she lies before the gates, weeping many a bitter tear for many a tribulation; for at Achilles' tomb,—though she knows not this,—her daughter Polyxena has died most piteously; likewise is Priam dead, and her children too; Cassandra, whom the king Apollo left to be a virgin, frenzied maid, hath Agamemnon, in contempt of the god's ordinance and of piety, forced to a dishonoured wedlock. Farewell, O city prosperous once! farewell, ye ramparts of hewn stone! had not Pallas, daughter of Zeus, decreed thy ruin, thou wert standing firmly still.

Ath. May I address the mighty god whom Heaven reveres and who to my own sire is very nigh in blood, laying aside our former enmity?

Pos. Thou mayst; for o'er the soul the ties of kin exert no feeble spell, great queen Athena.

Ath. For thy forgiving mood my thanks! Somewhat have I to impart affecting both thyself and me, O king.

Pos. Bringst thou fresh tidings from some god, from Zeus, or from some lesser power?

Ath. From none of these; but on behalf of Troy, whose soil we tread, am I come to seek thy mighty aid, to make it one with mine.

Pos. What! hast thou laid thy former hate aside to take compassion on the town now that it is burnt to ashes?

Ath. First go back to the former point; wilt thou make common cause with me in the scheme I purpose?

Pos. Ay surely; but I would fain learn thy wishes, whether thou art come to help Achæans or Phrygians.

Ath. I wish to give my former foes, the Trojans, joy, and on the Achæan host impose a return that they will rue.