Page:The Plays of Euripides Vol. 1- Edward P. Coleridge (1910).djvu/404

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[L. 1646–1692

For thou art wroth for a marriage never destined for thee; nor is thy sister Theonoe, daughter of a Nereid goddess, wronging thee because she honours the word of God and her father's just behests. For it was ordained that Helen should abide within thy halls up till the present time, but since Troy is razed to the ground [and she hath lent her name to the goddesses, no longer need she stay[1]], now must she be united in the self-same wedlock as before, and reach her home and share it with her husband. Withhold then thy malignant blade from thy sister, and believe that she herein is acting with discretion. Long, long ago had we our sister saved, seeing that Zeus has made us gods, but we were too weak for destiny as well as the deities, who willed these things to be. This is my bidding to thee; while to my sister I say, "Sail on with thy husband; and ye shall have a prosperous breeze; for we, thy brethren twain, will course along the deep and bring you safely to your fatherland. And when at last thy goal is reached and thy life ended, thou shalt be famous as a goddess, and with thy twin brethren share the drink-offering, and like us receive gifts from men, for such is the will of Zeus. Yea, and that spot[2] where the son of Maia first appointed thee a home when from Sparta he removed thee, after stealing an image of thee from heaven's mansions to prevent thy marriage with Paris, even the isle[3] that lies like a sentinel along the Attic coast, shall henceforth be called by thy name amongst men, for that it welcomed thee when stolen from thy home. Moreover, Heaven ordains that the wanderer Meruelaus shall find a home within an island of the blest; for to noble souls hath the deity no dislike, albeit these oft suffer more than those of no account.

  1. Various attempts have been made to redeem the awkwardness of this line, which is probably an interpolation, as Nauck considers it.
  2. This has been identified by some as Cranae, a long narrow island off Sunium. Others call it Macri.
  3. Reading with Hermann φρουρὸν παρ' Άκτῇ τεταμένην νῆσον λέγω.