Page:The Pleasures of Imagination - Akenside (1744).djvu/38

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And active motion speaks the temper'd soul:
So moves the bird of Juno; so the steed470
With rival ardour beats the dusty plain,
And faithful dogs with eager airs of joy
Salute their fellows. Thus doth beauty dwell
There most conspicuous, ev'n in outward shape,
Where dawns the high expression of a mind:475
By steps conducting our inraptur'd search
To that eternal origin, whose pow'r,
Thro' all th' unbounded symmetry of things,
Like rays effulging from the parent sun,
This endless mixture of her charms diffus'd.480
Mind, Mind alone, bear witness, earth and heav'n!
The living fountain in itself contains
Of beauteous and sublime: here, hand in hand,
Sit paramount the Graces; here inthron'd,
Cœlestial Venus, with divinest airs,485
Invites the soul to never-fading joy.
Look then abroad thro' nature, to the range
Of planets, suns, and adamantine spheres
Wheeling unshaken thro' the void immense;
And speak, O man! does this capacious scene 490
With half that kindling majesty dilate
Thy strong conception, as when Brutus rose[O 1]

  1. As when Brutus rose, &c.] Cicero himself describes this fact——Cæsare interfecto————statim cruentum altè extollens M. Brutus pugionem, Ciceronem nominatim exclamavit, atque ei recuperatam libertatem est gratulatus. Cic. Philipp. 2. 12.
