Page:The Poems and Prose remains of Arthur Hugh Clough, volume 2 (1869).djvu/423

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Feeding her cows the mountain peaks between.'
''Tis true,' I said, 'though to betray was mean.
My Pyrenean verses will you hear,
Though not about that peasant girl, I fear.'
'Begin,' they said, 'the sweet bucolic song,
Though it to other maids and other cows belong.'

Currente calamo.

Quick, painter, quick, the moment seize
Amid the snowy Pyrenees;
More evanescent than the snow,
The pictures come, are seen, and go
Quick, quick, currente calamo.
I do not ask the tints that fill
The gate of day ’twixt hill and hill;
I ask not for the hues that fleet
Above the distant peaks; my feet
Are on a poplar-bordered road,
Where with a saddle and a load
A donkey, old and ashen-grey,
Reluctant works his dusty way.
Before him, still with might and main
Pulling his rope, the rustic rein,
A girl: before both him and me,
Frequent she turns and lets me see,
Unconscious, lets me scan and trace
The sunny darkness of her face
And outlines full of southern grace.
Following I notice, yet and yet,
Her olive skin, dark eyes deep set,
And black, and blacker e’en than jet,