Page:The Poems of John Donne - 1896 - Volume 1.djvu/14

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Divine Poems —
    To the E[arl] of D[oncaster], with Six Holy Sonnets 151
  1. La Corona 152
  2. Annunciation 152
  3. Nativity 153
  4. Temple 153
  5. Crucifying 154
  6. Resurrection 155
  7. Ascension 155
    To the Lady Magdalen Herbert 156
    Holy Sonnets: i.–xvi. 157
    The Cross 167
    Resurrection 169
    The Annunciation and Passion 170
    Good Friday, 1613, Riding Westward 172
    A Litany 174
    Upon the Translation of the Psalms by Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke 188
    Ode : Vengeance will Sit above our Faults 190
    To Mr. Tilman after he had Taken Orders 191
    A Hymn to Christ 193
    The Lamentations of Jeremy 194
    Hymn to God, my God, in my Sickness 211
    A Hymn to God the Father 213
    To George Herbert 214
    A Sheaf of Snakes Used heretofore to be my Seal 215
    Translated out of Gazaeus 216
Notes to Vol. I. 217