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The author turns part of Spenser’s fourth eclogue into Sapphics which he describes as “homely.” 8vo. There are only two copies of this book known.

Barnes, B. Parthenophil and Parthenope. Barnabe Barnes. 1593. 4to. This contains two attempts to imitate Greek lyrics, one of Sappho and one of Anacreon.

Wits Theatre of the Little World. 1599. 8vo. Leaf 152 for reference to Sappho.

Campion, T., and Roseter, P. Lyrics, Elegies, etc., by Thomas Campion and Philip Roseter, 1601, contains an imitation of the Sapphic metre in English.

Davison's Poetical Rhapsody. 1602. 8vo. This contains an attempt at Sapphics in English by the mysterious “A.W.”

The Martyrdom of St. George of Cappadocia. 1614. 4to. Contains an imitation of Sappho's metre.

Hall, J. Περὶ Ὕψους or Dionysius Longinus of the Height of Eloquence rendered out of the Original by J[ohn] H[all]. London, 1652. This small book contains the first translation into English of the actual work of Sappho.

Cappone, Francesco Antonio. Liriche Parafrasi di D. Francesco Antonio Cappone, Academico ozioso. Supra tutte l’Ode d’Anacreonte, e sopra alcune altre Poesie di diversi Lirici Poeti Greci. Secundo la preposta version Latina de’l’or più celebri Traduttori, pp. 190–200. Venice, 1670. 24mo.