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Sappho. Life and Work. London, Humphreys, 1910. 8vo. Royal Library, Belles Lettres Series.

Supplementum lyricum. Neue Bruchstücke v. Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho, Corinna, Pindar. Hrsg. u. erkl. v. E. Diehl. 2. od. 3. A. Bonn 1910 and 1917.

Bascoul, J. M. F. Ἥ ἌΓΝΑ ΣΑΠΦΏ La Chaste Sappho de Lesbos et le Mouvement Feministe à Athénes au IV Siècle av. J.-C. J. M. F. Bascoul. Paris, 1911. 8vo.

——— La Chaste Sappho de Lesbos et Stesichore, etc. J. M. F. Bascoul, D.M.M. Paris, 1913. 8vo.

Patrick, Mary M. Sappho and the Island of Lesbos. Mary Mills Patrick. London [1912]. 8vo.

Edmonds, J. M. Sappho in the added light of the new Fragments. Classical Society, Newnham College, 22nd Feb. 1912. Cambridge, J. M. Edmonds, 1912. 8vo.

Von Willamowitz-Moellendrorf. Sappho und Simonides Untersuchlungen über Griechsiche Lyriker, von U. von Willamowitz-Moellendorff. Berlin, 1913. 8vo. This is an important contribution to the subject.

Tucker. Lecture delivered by Professor Tucker before the Classical Association of Victoria at Melbourne in 1913. Published in 1914.

Part X, Egypt Exploration Fund, Oxyrhynchus Papyri. London, 1914. 4to. This volume contains the results of very important discoveries in connection with Sappho. A nearly complete poem is contained in the fragments of